Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lo Hei Essential Statement! Chinese New Year must know!

Many of us know that Lo Hei is a must have during Chinese New Year but when we are about to start pouring in the items, we are stuck with WHAT TO SAY uh??? Fear not!Let's us help you out!

Come Come Come! Gather round the table please!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 恭喜发财! Wan Shi Ru Yi! 万事如意!

1. Fish/Abalone - Nian Nian You Yu! 年年有余!

2. Pomelo/Lime - Da Ji Da Li! 大吉大利

3. Pepper and Cinnamon Power - Zhao Cai Jin Bao 
招财进宝Wu Fu Lin Men! 五福临门

4. Oil - Yi Ben Wan Li! 一本万利 !

5. Carrot - Hong Yun Dang Tou! 鸿运当头

6. White Raddish - Feng Sheng Shui Qi 风生水起! 

7. Green Raddish- Qing Chun Chang Zhu! 青春常驻! 

8. Peanut- Jin Yin Man Wu! 金银满屋! 

9. Sesame - Sheng Yi Xing Long! 生意兴隆

10. Biscuit - Man Di Huang Jin 满地黄金

11. Plum Sauce/ Sweet Sauce - Tian Tian Mi Mi! 甜甜蜜蜜!

Stand By all your chopsticks everyone!! 1 2 3 ! Huat ar ! Huat ar! huat ar!! Please finish your dictionary load of 4 characters auspicious words and ensure rolls and rolls of laughter is created while the session is ongoing!
The Caveman BBQ team wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!